Legal Notices


38, Rue Jim Sévellec - FR - 29200 BREST
Phone : +339 7253 1230

Publication director

Christel Le Coq


SAS au capital de 10 059 500 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
Directeur de la publication : Octave KLABA


E.Sensory, hereafter referred to as the PUBLISHER and the Designer.

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This website is the property of the PUBLISHER whose office is domiciled at 38,Rue Jim Seville - FR- 29200 BREST. All users of this website shall without reserve accept and comply with the terms and conditions indicate herein.
The editorial director is Christel Le Coq, Founder & CEO of E.Sensory.
This website is hosted by the OVH Company whose head office is in Roubaix, France.


The PUBLISHER endeavors to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate and up to date but cannot guarantee that this is the case. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to correct or change the content of this website at any moment and without giving prior notice.
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Users' rights

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38, Rue Jim Sévellec
FR - 29200 BREST
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